Through different melodies, “Flowing Ink” shows the “liveliness”, “leisure”, and “adventurous” of a group of ambitious young scholars at that time. The light melody of the flute in the opening section creates the natural sound of flowers, birds, as well as laughter. In the middle part, the music slows down, the rhythm of the mountain and flowing water indicates joy and relaxation. The rhythm of the drums is magnificent and brings the whole work to a climax. The scholars have changed their leisurely attitude and showed youthful vigor and unrestrained liberality, behind this impetuousness is the determination of pursuing their ideal life.
北京舞蹈学院男子古典舞作品《纸扇书生》通过对一群少年书生“趣”、“雅”、“狂”几方面的刻画,把一个个谦谦君子展现在眼前——或妙趣横生以自娱,或淡泊闲雅以处世,或狂放不羁以逍遥。开篇轻快的笛子旋律,营造出花鸟鱼虫自然悦耳之响以及谈笑风生的人间繁杂之声。游园、嬉笑,妙趣横生,悠然自得。中间部分音乐放缓,以高山流水之韵律呈现书生的清淡闲雅、悠然自得。结尾音乐的鼓点节奏鲜明、气势恢宏,将整个作品推向高潮。书生们一改先时的悠然闲适,展现出了少年气盛的豪气,更有狂放不羁的洒脱和逍遥。 而狷狂的背后,是文人墨客人生理想的追求与表达。
When, students in the flower of our age
Our spirit bright was at its height
Full of the scholar's notable rage
We criticized with all our might
Pointing to stream and hill
Writing in blame or praise
Mao Zedong
"Maiden Rose Hawagül" is a Uyghur-style theatrical performance. With its exotic charm, the production transports us to a fairyland-like Uyghur garden, where we join in the festive celebrations of spring. Here, amidst the picturesque scenery and delightful drinks, we encounter warm and hospitable people. In the garden blooming with flowers, Uyghur girls with their singing and dancing skills perform gracefully to the lively rhythms of strings and drums. Their skirts swaying, braids flowing behind them, adorned with bright roses on their heads, they are like blossoming flowers in full bloom.